Guggenheim Design It Shelter Entry

Like most SketchUp Fan Boys I like to enter SketchUp related contests and the big one at the moment is the Guggenheim Design It Shelter competition. I had a lot of fun creating my own design that complied with the competition guidelines (basically the interior space could me no larger than 100 square feet, the height no taller than 12 feet and you couldn't use any plumbing or electrical components). The specs may seem restrictive but I'm loving seeing what my fellow SketchUp designers from all around the world are coming up with; your imagination and ingenuity is a source of inspiration.

By contrast my own design seems tame but I did think it through. My modest fantasy was that I had permission to build a retreat near a local, quiet beach that I occasionally stop at to get a taste of the ocean on my way home (if I take the scenic route). I wanted it to be a sort of surf shack (although I don't surf) where I could escape the city, by bike, and spend a day away from phones and the drama of modern, urban life. It might not be the most flashy of designs but I like what I came up with.

If you want to participate you have until August 23rd to submit your entry. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

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